Lesson 5.1 Summative Quiz
- Due No due date
- Points 18
- Questions 4
- Time Limit 26 Minutes
Canvas displays a large, red "X", when you have anything other than the quiz in front. In other words, if you open a document, another canvas page or, another web page a large, red "X" will appear to tell me you cheated. Copying and/or sharing questions by any means or format is considered theft of the test in part or in whole and will be dealt with firmly.
From the PHM Student Handbook:
"Consequences for Academic Dishonesty Single Course I. First Offense A. The parent will be notified by the teacher. B. The student will earn a zero on the assignment from the teacher. C. A written referral will be made to a Dean from the teacher II. Second Offense A. The parent will be notified by the teacher. B. A parent/teacher/student/dean conference may be held. C. The student will earn a zero on the assignment from the teacher. D. The student will earn a maximum of 59% for the semester, not including the final exam. Should the student‟s earned grade be less than 59%, the lesser grade will stand. III. Third Offense A. The parent will be notified by the teacher. B. The student will receive an “F” and lose credit in the class. C. The student will be removed from the class."
Close all tabs and documents.
Put phones on the desk in front of you.
Put away all books and papers.
Remember, the most important thing is to have FUN!